TV assessment:Leaner Respnse

1) Type up your feedback from your teacher in full (you do not need to write marks/grades if you do not wish to).

A very surprising response!However you do need to use more media terminology/story lines actually do suit the target audience.

2) Look at the mark scheme document linked above. Write an answer for question 1.1 on mise-en-scene.

The two people were chasing which makes them look homeless

3) Look at question 1.2. Write ONE narrative feature in the extract you could have written for this answer.

Costumes:Lyra and Will are placed in customers that reflect the world they are from.This helps to communicate the wider narrative arc.To show and emphasises the fact they are out of place in this current city.

4) Now focus on question 1.3. Write down ONE answer for this question about how the extract targeted a family audience.

It could argue that the extract feature narrative are too complicated for a family audience to enjoy.

5) Finally, write down THREE things you need to revise or practice for your next Television assessment. 

- Learn my media keywords.
Give examples to backup my point.
- use scenes from the show .


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