Paper 1 : Leaner Response

 Year 11 Paper 1 assessment: Learner Response

1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).

LR: Revise Industry ( especially terminology)
Mark: 29/42
 Grade: 7

2) Look at the mark scheme for this assessment. For Question 2 (12 mark unseen) use the indicative content in the mark scheme to identify three points that you could have referred to in your answer.

Central image: Long shot of the professional Rugby player = connotes that he's an athlete, strong, focused and determined
Lightening: flood lights represent the Under Armour logo and stand out as they are white = to contrast the setting  and focus on the player.
Slogan: Sans serif font = bold and modern is white to stand out and links to the motivational message of the advert.

3) For Question 3 (Galaxy - narrative features) use the mark scheme to write down the main narrative theories and how we can link them to the Galaxy advert CSP. 

Narrative theory
Todoror = Equilibrium ( normality) =Audrey Hepburn on the bus 
                 Disequilibrium( problem) = fruit cart crushes into the bus
                 New Equilibrium ( problem solved) = when Chauffer ( man) saved AH and continues her journey.

4) Now look at Question 4 - Tatler and social/cultural contexts. Use the mark scheme to identify three points you could have made in your answer here.

Title: Serif white font to represent authority and traditional
Central image: Emma Weymouth = part of BAME community: challenge stereotypes of who appears on Tatler ( from Asian and Black community)
Cover lines : features famous celebrity and the royalty = aimed at upper class people.

5) On Section B, focus on Question 7 - film industry and Black Widow. Use the mark scheme to identify three ways Black Widow was marketed to its audience.

1) Film teaser trailer 
2) Billboards 
3) Franchise

6) Finally, write down three things you are going to work on before your next mock exam in December (e.g. time management; revising CSPs etc.)

1) learn more about the film industry
2) Do exam papers
3)Learn key words to use in my paragraphs e.g. intertextuality


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